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Digestive Enzymes

In early 2007, I began having gall bladder attacks. Until then, I didn't know there was anything wrong with my digestive system. The following months, I had to learn how to eat again, and in doing so, lost 20 lbs. I did not need to lose. I have had no more attacks, and have learned a LOT about what causes digestive disorders. You probably already know, it's all about what you eat. But what you may not realize is that it's also about the foods you eat together.

For the most part, proper food combining will take care of digestive issues immediately. But there are those times where it's just not possible to eat the right foods, or to combine foods properly. For these times, I highly suggest digestive enzymes.

*It is April 8, 2010, and I was just working at my desk when I realized that the lunch I ate two hours ago was still sitting in my stomach. I noticed this because I wanted to take a break from working and take a walk after my food had digested. Soon my head started hurting. So I took two digestive enzymes, and twenty minutes later, I feel almost 100% better. How many headaches have you had that were actually digestion related?

Good nutrition is a key factor to a healthy body; however, if your body is not correctly digesting the foods you are eating, you are not receiving the full benefit of your foods. Enzymes are made by your body's organs to assist in breaking down the foods you eat, in order for your body to assimilate the nutrition that comes from those foods.

As you begin to age, your body no longer produces enough of the required enzymes to digest your food. Enzymes are designed to break down the protein, carbohydrates and fats that you eat on a daily basis.


What are Enzymes?

Enzymes are substances that make life possible – the true “life-force” of every living thing. Enzymes are necessary for virtually every chemical reaction that happens in the body. Without enzymes, biological activity would not occur. There are approximately 1300 different enzymes found in the human cell. These enzymes can combine with coenzymes to form nearly 100,000 various chemicals that enable us to see, hear, feel, move, digest food, and think. Every organ, every tissue, and all the 100 trillion cells in our bodies depend upon the reactions of metabolic enzymes and their energy factor. Enzymes are so critical for metabolic functions that a lack of enzymes can affect health.

What are Digestive Enzymes?

Our daily diets are composed primarily of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Digestive enzymes break down these particular food compounds into progressively smaller food particles in order for the body to receive its nutrients. Naturally-occurring digestive enzymes are found in raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables. These enzymes increase the level of digestion in the stomach, increasing the amount of food broken down.

Does the human body make Digestive Enzymes?

The human body makes approximately twenty-two different digestive enzymes. The digestion of food takes place in stages: first our food is partly broken down by the process of chewing and by the chemical action of our salivary enzymes, then the food moves into the stomach, where the stomach produces Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) and other gastric acids to include Pepsin. Then into the small intestine where the bile salts from the gall bladder, the pancreatic enzymes and other digestive enzymes breakdown the food further. At each step, specific enzymes break down different types of food. The final breakdown of remaining small molecules of food occurs in the lower small intestine. Through the whole process, enzymes are critical for proper and complete digestion to occur.

Why take Enzyme supplements?

The modern Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) consists of predominantly enzyme-deficient foods. This is because heating any food over approximately 115 degrees destroys the digestive enzymes which naturally occur in raw food. With diets of cooked and heavily processed foods, the body is forced to place heavy demand on the digestive tract for production of digestive enzymes. When we eat too fast, when we overindulge in the wrong kinds of foods, when we are stressed and as we age, our digestive system becomes less efficient. Indigestion and bloating are often the result. Metabolic enzymes are also taxed, which is frequently evident when a large meal is consumed and then sleepiness occurs. In the absence of raw food enzymes or digestive enzyme supplements, the bulk of digestion occurs in the small intestine. Since your small intestines are in charge of absorption of nutrients to your blood stream and you have not been able to digest your foods correctly without the necessary enzymes, the putrification of food can occur. The amount of undigested food entering the colon also is increased. Incomplete digestion of food gives colon bacteria the opportunity to feed, producing gas and toxins that can leave people feeling uncomfortable, or even sick. By eating naturally occurring raw food and supplementing with digestive enzymes, the process of digestion creates a complete breakdown of your foods allowing the body to receive the proper nutrition.

What are some of the signs that my body is in need of enzymes?

  • Digestive Upsets
  • Constipation/Irregularity
  • Acid Indigestion and Heartburn
  • Bloating and Flatulence
  • Skin problems
  • Bad breath
  • Food Allergies
  • Fatigue, or
  • uncomfortable sleeping due to heaviness in stomach

Can teenagers take enzymes?

Yes. If you are eating the "Standard American Diet", then you need enzymes. The typical teenager is not getting the adequate nutrients into his or her body on a daily basis due to stresses at school and work, the peer pressure of eating unhealthy and the abundance of fast-food restaurants on every corner. It is critical to a teen's health to take a supplement of digestive enzymes in order to ensure proper absorption.

My daughter suddenly had numerous health problems and digestive issues related to a connective tissue disorder at the age of 14. DigestGold was a lifesaver! She also had to do some other things that I'll write about later.

Can elderly people take enzymes?

Because of age, it is critical that every elderly person be on enzymes. They have such a hard time digesting any kinds of foods. Many do not want to eat because their stomach is always sick from gas, bloating, upsets and heartburn. They will find great value with taking digestive enzymes. Again, they can even be taken before bedtime to ensure their stomachs are not full during the night.

Required Disclaimer: The statements above have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.