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Airwise® Testimony

Put to the TEST: An Air Purifier that Really Works!

Airwise Air PurifierWhen Waterwise® introduced its new air purifier (Airwise®) a few months ago, I decided to purchase a couple for the home I knew we would be moving into. In our previous home, we already had a Pureatech system, so while we went ahead and used the Airwise® purifiers, I was unable to tell if they really made much of a difference.

After we packed up our house, I stayed with my children at my sister’s house for a few days while my husband drove our belongings across the country. I had the forethought to put one of our purifiers in my suitcase, knowing that my sister’s cats would probably kill me if I had to stay in her house without it. She does have another brand air purifier, which helps minimally, but I didn’t want to get sick and wanted to see if the Airwise® really made a difference.

Everything was fine, until we decided that the kids and I should sleep in her king size bed, and it was after I could hardly breathe that it dawned on me that her cats sleep with her in her bed! So I went to the living room where my Airwise® was plugged in, put it in her bedroom, and within 5 minutes I was actually able to breathe. I could not believe it! It worked!!

Once we got to our “new” house which is actually almost 100 years old, I hoped it would work once again. The dust was horrible. I coughed a lot. I went room to room, placing the Airwise® there for a day or so. The dust smell was gone. My cough was gone. It worked again!

Now, the only problem with this product is that I have no idea how it works. I mean, I can look at the diagram and regurgitate the wording…but it is beyond my understanding. All I can say is that it WORKS.

If your child has sniffles, coughs, watery eyes or asthma, I suggest you take a serious look at an Airwise® unit. If you are a stay at home mom, it is imperative that you select an air purifier for your home!! Please read the following for more information regarding this urgency:

  • 50% of ALL illness is due to poor indoor air quality (Source: 1989 State of Mass. study)
  • 150 chemicals found in the home are connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders. (Source: Consumer Protection Agency)
  • In one decade, there has been a 42% increase in asthma (29% for men, 82% for women). The higher rate for women is believed to be due to women's longer exposure times to household chemicals. (Center for Disease Control)
  • Childhood asthma has increased by more than 40% since 1980. (Environmental Health Perspectives, June 1997; 105 -6)
  • Warning labels on containers refer only to toxic hazards from ingestion, however only 10% of health problems from chemicals are caused by ingestion. 90% are caused by the inhalation of vapors and absorption of particles

Purchase an Airwise® Air Purifier